What did you learn from your most painful life experience?

This post is a copy of my answer from  Quora. Read and share.

  1. Don’t expect people to be honest with you because you were honest with them. People lie to make themselves look and feel good.
  2. Don’t believe everything you are told. People will say and do anything to gain favours from you.
  3. If you have to be someone else to please them or be accepted, they are just not worth it.
  4. Always put your happiness first. This is not to say you should be selfish unnecessarily.
  5. If it causes you to lose sleep, get rid of it.
  6. Love is in action, not words. If he says it a lot and does not show it(or shows it when it suits him), walk away.
  7. Everytime you talk about your painful experience, you have to relive it. Learn to stop talking about it.
  8. If they tell you they are confused, reduce their confusion by taking yourself out of that situation that seems so ‘complex’ in their mind. This may be difficult and so I suggest you prepare yourself mentally and emotionally.
  9. Know when to refrain from giving too much information. Your attempt at being transparent will be used against you in the most hurtful way.
  10. Accept that sometimes the pain never goes away and learn to live with it. However, don’t let it stop you from moving on(I am still struggling with this).