Dear Future Self👸👸

No one likes uncertainty and that is why most people fear the unknown. Unfortunately, our life journey is never certain. If I had the chance to meet my future self, there are a few questions I would like answered in order that I don’t run around and waste so much time before I eventually get it right. I know this is impossible. Although my alter ego believes in time travel (and no, I don’t suffer from multiple personality disorder😑😑), I don’t and so I’ll keep consoling myself with the words of Doris Day, “Que Sera, Sera”. Then again, these are the questions I have if it was possible to meet future Sweetie Anang, hopefully, Dr. Sweetie Anang or Dr. Mrs. Sweetie Anang-SomeName.🙈🙈🙈🙈

  1. Ultimately, will I be happy with all my life choices including my mistakes and regrets?
  2. Will I be successful in my career?
  3. Which of my ideas will come alive and which ones will fail?
  4. Which ones of my friends will still be by my side and which ones will stay loyal till the end?
  5. When will I get married and to whom?
  6. Will I be able to complete my set milestones before marriage or does God have other plans for me?
  7. How many marriages will I have? (Please, it’s a valid question in these times. Don’t judge!!!)
  8. Will I find the perfect man God made specially for me, who will love me through my imperfections?❤❤
  9. Please, who is he and what is his name? (Hahaha, then I can avoid multiple marriages)
  10. Will I ever learn not to worry and sweat the small stuff?
  11. Will I survive the pains of pregnancy and childbirth?
  12. How many times will I have to go through that?😭
  13. How strong will I be mentally and spiritually?👼
  14. Do I get to meet some of my favourite famous people like Pastor Kim Pothier, Heather Lindsey, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift and Adele?😍😍
  15. Finally, will I always have my wide, beautiful smile and will I continue to have inner peace despite challenges?😎😎

If this got you thinking, I would want to know the questions you have for your future self. Comment below…


What did you learn from your most painful life experience?

This post is a copy of my answer from  Quora. Read and share.

  1. Don’t expect people to be honest with you because you were honest with them. People lie to make themselves look and feel good.
  2. Don’t believe everything you are told. People will say and do anything to gain favours from you.
  3. If you have to be someone else to please them or be accepted, they are just not worth it.
  4. Always put your happiness first. This is not to say you should be selfish unnecessarily.
  5. If it causes you to lose sleep, get rid of it.
  6. Love is in action, not words. If he says it a lot and does not show it(or shows it when it suits him), walk away.
  7. Everytime you talk about your painful experience, you have to relive it. Learn to stop talking about it.
  8. If they tell you they are confused, reduce their confusion by taking yourself out of that situation that seems so ‘complex’ in their mind. This may be difficult and so I suggest you prepare yourself mentally and emotionally.
  9. Know when to refrain from giving too much information. Your attempt at being transparent will be used against you in the most hurtful way.
  10. Accept that sometimes the pain never goes away and learn to live with it. However, don’t let it stop you from moving on(I am still struggling with this).

At some point growing up, I was a “tomboy”. Thank God I wasn’t raised in a society where I will be influenced into believing I was transgender. All these stages are ephemeral. Today, I am certain that I am female. Of course I have a few male instincts( females have some testosterone in them). Yes, I admire some women but that does not make me lesbian/bisexual either. Society and circumstances make us choose to divert from nature’s course. No one is born queer. #justsaying

What Am I Supposed To Do In My 20s??

What am I supposed to do in my twenty’s? I am certain a lot more people have wondered about this exact thing in their lifetime(I know I have). Anyway, so on the 12th of May, 2015, I was going through my Quora Digest like I do every morning and I read the excerpt of  Amrisha Vohra‘s answer to What am I supposed to do in my early 20’s.  Since I was intrigued, I went ahead to read the complete answer. It made perfect sense to me, although I am in the mid point of my 20’s and it will hardly be considered early by some people. I made a decision to try and apply this to my life(hence the slight change in title). Some I have already done, others I am still in the process of doing and the rest, well, I am yet to do because I am determined to complete this list. So I added her answer to my reading list, I printed a copy of the list and stuck it on my cubicle wall at work and I read it everyday(I have a lot of noteworthy articles stuck on my cubicle wall) ☺☺. And finally, today, I have decided to post it on my blog so here goes:

  • Make mistakes. Learn from them. Experience is the best teacher.
  • Dare to fall in love.
  • Take risks.
  • Learn something new.
  • Live alone at-least for some time.
  • Travel alone.
  • Make friends with people who are of different age, culture, speak a different language and are much different than you are.
  • Learn the importance of saving.
  • Join a cause you are passionate about. Stick to it!
  • Read a lot! write a lot!
  • Love your parents! Spend quality time with your family.
  • Live in the moment. Do not regret the past, or fear the future.
  • Learn to trust the right people. How? By trusting the wrong ones first!
  • Do not compare yourself to anybody else.
  • Exercise, eat healthy, become fit.
  • Spend your money on experiences, not luxuries. Make memories.
  • Try out new things. Experiment! Get to know yourself better.
  • Try your hand at adventure sports.
  • Learn to say no.

Consider these points shared and apply it anyway you wish. Also, remember to enjoy life at any point in time. Peace out!!! XOXOXOXO ❤